High School DxD
Judul Jepang: ハイスクールD×D
Pengarang: Ichiei Ishibumi
Ilustrator: Miyama-Zero
Genre: Aksi, Komedi, Ecchi, Harem, Dewasa, Percintaan, Kehidupan Sekolah, Shounen, Supernatural
Jumlah Jilid: 25 (beres)
Warna yang sama dengan rambut orang itu—.
Itulah yang kupikirkan usai melihat tanganku berlumuran darah.
Merah—rambut merah crimson yang lebih brilian dari pirang-stroberi.
Benar, rambut crimson panjang dan indah orang itu seperti warna yang menutupi tanganku.
High School DxD 1 Diabolus di Gedung Sekolah Lama (旧校舎のディアボロス)
Aku ingin melindungi orang itu.
Ini bukan tentang kontrak atau batasan.
Orang itu harus berdiri kuat sambil mengibaskan rambut crimsonnya.
Itulah orang yang kukagumi.
Jadi pinjamkanlah aku kekuatanmu, Sekiryuutei-san.
High School DxD 2 Phoenix di Pertarungan Gedung Sekolah (戦闘校舎のフェニックス)
Aku takkan memaafkan Excalibur—
High School DxD 3 Excalibur di Bawah Sinar Rembulan Halaman Sekolah (月光校庭のエクスカリバー)
Apa menurut kalian dunia tanpa Tuhan itu salah?
Apa menurut kalian dunia tanpa Tuhan akan runtuh?
Maaf saja aku bilang begini, tapi lihat saja.
Aku dan kalian hidup sehat-sehat saja seperti ini.
Dunia bergerak bahkan tanpa Tuhan.
High School DxD 4 Vampire di Ruang Kelas Tersegel (停止教室のヴァンパイア)
High School DxD 5 Hellcat di Pelatihan Dunia Bawah (冥界合宿のヘルキャット)
Life.1 It's Summer Break, Let's Go to the Underworld!
Life.2 The gathering of the Young Devils!
Life.3 Cat and Dragon!
High School DxD 6 Holy di Belakang Gimnasium (体育館裏のホーリー)
Life.1 The Second Term Begins!
Life.2 Asia-chan's Worries
Kata Penutup
High School DxD 7 Ragnarok Sepulang Sekolah (放課後のラグナロク)
Life.1 Peace is the Best.
Life.2 The Shitty Geezer from the North has Arrived.
Life.3 The Joint Army!
High School DxD 8 Pekerjaan Iblis (アクマのおしごと)
Life.1 Devil's Job.
Life.2 Familiar's Requirement.
Life.3 Memory of Oppai.
Life.4 The Oppai of Tennis.
Life.5 Hell Teacher Azazel.
Life.6 300 Ise.
Extra Life. The Fun Gremory Family
. Kata Penutup
High School DxD 9 Pandemonium di Perjalanan Sekolah (修学旅行はパンデモニウム)
Life.1 Yeah, Lets Go to Kyoto!
Life.2 Arrival at Kyoto.
Life.3 The Group of Heroes has Arrived.
Life.4 Showdown, Gremory Group VS Heroes Faction! In Kyoto.
High School DxD 10 Lion Heart di Festival Sekolah (学園祭のライオンハート)
Life.1 The Preparations for the School Festival!
Life.2 A Maiden's Heart is Complicated.
Life.3 The Battle to Decide who is the Strongest Youth Begins!
Life. MAXIMUM VS Power MAXIMUM: Crimson and Red.
Extra Life. The Dream that Does Not End, and the Dream that Ends
Kata Penutup
High School DxD 11 Ouroboros dan Ujian Promosi (進級試験とウロボロス)
Life.1 Study and Mating Season?
Life.2 Infinite and the Mid-class Devil Promotion Test!
Life.3 The Rebellious Heroes.
Life.4 As a Heavenly-Dragon.
Lost Life.
Kata Penutup
High School DxD 12 Heroes di Kelas Tambahan (補習授業のヒーローズ)
Life.-3 Gremory without Sekiryuutei.
Life.-2 Pal.
Life.0 The Emperor of Bust Dragon.
Life.1 Crimson Promise.
Kata Penutup
High School DxD 13 Ise SOS (イッセーSOS)
Life.1 A Tokusatsu Devil
Life.2 Ise SOS
Life.3 The Disturbance of a Devil
Life.4 The Unresurrected Phoenix
Life.5 Armageddon at Sports Day!
Extra Life. The Worry of the Next-Next Heir-sama
Kata Penutup
High School DxD 14 Wizards di Bimbingan Karier (進路指導のウィザード)
Life.1 I'm Also a Devil Today
Life.4 Go, Occult Research Club & Student Council!
New Life.
High School DxD 15 Dark Knight di Tempat Bercahaya (陽だまりのダークナイト)
High School DxD 16 Daywalker di Pelajaran Ekstrakurikuler (課外授業のデイウォーカー)
Life.1 Occult Research Club, to Romania!
Life.2 The Kins of the Dark Night
Life.3 Let’s Have the Sunlight Together With Me
Life.4 Rizevim Livan Lucifer (The Son of the Morning Star)
New Life
High School DxD 17 Valkyrie di Pelatihan Guru (教員研修のヴァルキリー)
Life.1 Praises During the Training!
Life.2 The School of the Underworld!
Life.3 The Direction of the Evil Intent
Life.4 The Youth Devil
New Life.
High School DxD 18 Funny Angel di Hari Natal (聖誕祭のファニーエンジェル)
Life.1 Even Devils Celebrate Christmas!
Life.2 The Forbidden
Life.3 D×D Also Launches To the Heaven
Next Life
High School DxD 19 Durandal di Pemilihan Umum (総選挙のデュランダル)
Life.1 Third Trimester Starts!
Life.2 Various Decisive Battles!
Life.3 Fist and Sword (Carnival)
New Life
High School DxD 20 Belial di Konsultasi Karier (進路相談のベリアル)
Life.1 A Restless Career Consultation
Last Life... Poetic Justice
High School DxD 21 Lucifer di Kehadiran Opsional (自由登校のルシファー)
Life.Ba’al Lion of the Great King —Great King—
Life.2 Team [DxD] Attacks!
Last.DxD Deep Red and True Red — United Front —
Eternal Life. Amidst the White Snow
High School DxD 22 Gremory di Upacara Kelulusan (卒業式のグレモリー)
Life.1 Those of us that were left behind!
Life.2 And thus, to a High-class Devil
Life.3 Gremory’s Graduation Ceremony
New Life
Kata Penutup
High School DxD 23 Joker di Turnamen Permainan Bola (球技大会のジョーカー)
Life.1 A [King] From Now On
Life.2 Dragon Attracts Dragon
Life.3 Before the Decisive Battle
High School DxD 24 Grim Reaper di Pembelajaran Luar Kampus (校外学習のグリムリッパー)
Life.1 Bursting into Summer!
Life.2 The God of Death and the Dog of the Blade
Life.3 The Truth of the Cats, and the Beginning of the Game
Life.4 The Limits of Humanity and the Ultimate Evil Dragon
Life.5 The Death God and the Hyoudou Family’s Breast Technique
New Life
High School DxD 25 Yggdrasil di Pelajaran Musim Panas (夏期講習のユグドラシル)
Transcendental reason
Life.1 A Female Teacher’s Marriage Interview
Life.2 The Ocean of Milk and the Maou’s [Game]
Life.DxD VS Life.GOD Challenge to the Gods —Red Dragon—
Kata Penutup
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